Crowdsourcing has become a pandemic in many industries, rendering the certifications and degrees of particular professionals moot. Crowdsourcing (in a nutshell) is soliciting a paid or unpaid services of a particular population by way of the internet. Many of the first instances of crowdsourcing can be seen in the Help Wanted or Classified’s sections of …
February 2019 archive
Feb 26
How is crowdsourcing changing the way that companies approach creating content? When you look at today’s generation, you can see how easy it is talk to everyone all over the world compared to 20 years ago. With the use of social media the world feels so much smaller. With that being said, people can …
Feb 26
Crowdsourcing is a way for corporations or organizations to obtain information for a project or task from a large audience for free or paid using the internet. The internet has become more popular through the years and it is easily accessible with the touch of a finger. Companies have changed the way that they approach …
Feb 26
Crowd sourcing
Photographers started making websites to allow corporate and online users to access free or low priced content. This allowed the beginning of crowdsourcing which created competition to other markets. Instead of creating original content which would be a great expense, people started to find cheaper content online. Facebook, myspace, and youtube are examples of businesses …
Feb 26
To start off crowdsourcing is the practice of involving people or group for a common goal sometimes for innovation, problem solving, or efficiency. Its more of you do work but would not get fully paid or the credit for it. In the instance of the article “The Rise of Crowdsourcing“. Claudia Menashe needed pictures for …
Feb 26
Imagine this: you’re a post grad college student that just got hired into an advertisement company. You need to come up with an idea for a project, specifically for a popular animal shelter. You need pictures of dogs and cats, but you’re not a photographer nor do you have the skills to take decent advertisement …
Feb 26
Crowdsourcing and User Generated Content
According to, crowdsourcing involves obtaining work, information or opinions from a large group of people who submit their data via the Internet, social media and smartphone apps. An example of crowdsourcing that took place a few years ago that I remembered seeing was with the chip manufacturer Lays. According to, Lays introduced a …
Feb 26
Assignment 4: How is crowdsourcing changing the way that companies approach creating content?
According to Oxford dictionaries, crowdsourcing is the practice of obtaining information or input into a task or project by enlisting the services of a large number of people. While it is very popular with many companies, I do not know of a lot of people talking about it. There are millions of people connected to …
Feb 25
Crowdsourcing have change the ways of how companies can get things or find out opinions of their products. Specifically, companies now use crowdsourcing to get cheap things that they can use, or using fans opinion of what is good, and what is not good. In the text, The Rise of Crowdsourcing,” by Jeff Howe, it …
Feb 25
Group Activity Evaluation
Aaron Watkins Aicha Kone What was your activity? Please be specific on what you asked the class to do and what you hoped it would accomplish. The activity Aicha and I created were to speak on the current applications that exists now and what do the participants use it for regularly. We even dove deeper …