February 2019 archive

How has media changed political campaigns? What are the positives / negatives?

The use of media based life in political issues including Facebook, YouTube,Twitter and other online networking stages has significantly changed the manner in which crusades are run and how Americans communicate with their chose authorities.In the article,” Cell Phones, Social Media and Campaign 2014,” by Aaron Smith it stats, ” Voters of all ages are …

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How Is Crowdsourcing Changing The Way That Companies Approach Creating Content? By Jaritza Flores-Garcia

Crowdsourcing is a sourcing model in which individuals or organizations obtain goods and services. These services include ideas and finances, from a large, relatively open and often rapidly-evolving group of internet users whether they’re paid or unpaid; it divides work between participants to achieve a cumulative result. People created websites to increase the number of internet …

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Class Activity: Media and Political Campaigns

By Brittany Aufiero and Jacqueline Minelli Hi everyone! Jackie and I are looking forward to presenting today on Media and Political Campaigns. As a heads up, here are the activities that we will be spending time on today in class: Part One: Discussion In groups, consider the different outlets where you receive your political news: …

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Crowdsourcing & User Generated Content

Companies are now competing with amateur individuals thanks to crowdsourcing. As the article “The Rise of Crowdsourcing” explains, people no longer need to rely on stock photographers because of websites like iStock. Rather than paying the photographer directly, individuals can pay a fraction of the price for photos taken by amateurs on websites like iStockphoto, …

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Social Media and Politics

With the advent and introduction of social media in our day-to-day lives, it appeared inevitable that politics too, would be impacted by the medium. The political stage that many of our elected officials stand on now implement a form of outreach and community engagement through social media. Considering that every year, our country gains a …

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Social Media and Political Campaigns

In today’s society the use of social media in political campaigns has grown quickly in importance. There is positive and negative effects of social media playing a role in political campaigns. These social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are bringing voters and politicians closer together. In the past years, voters had to …

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Media and Politics

Social media has quickly rose to become one of the public’s most prevalent means of getting news on political campaigns. Seeing political images, comments, and stories is an inescapable component of being on a social media site. Politicians are constantly trying to get their message out, especially when campaigning. Social media makes doing this quite …

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Social Media and politics

How has media changed political campaigns? What are the positives / negatives? Throughout the years, political campaigns changed greatly. In today’s world many Americans use the cell phone more than anything else throughout the entire day. Back in the days when you would want to hear about politics, it would result to you using the …

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Social Media and Politics

Throughout the years the use of social media in political campaigns has increased, before social media political candidates would interact with people by giving speeches on television and all over the United States. Political candidates used news networks and the press to promote their campaigns, they also used billboards and posters to promote. Now political …

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Media and Political Campaigns

Social media sites such as; Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have changed the way political campaigns are ran and how everyday Americans are able to interact/communicate with the candidates/elected officials. Many people, between the ages 30-49 now use their cellphones to track current elections, with the number of people taking part in this increasing to 40% …

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