February 2019 archive

Is Blogging Taking Over Traditional News Source?

Bloggers are making a huge impact as of right now in the world of internet. Their title “bloggers” is not a way of taking over traditional news sources, their label or title describes their work as their opinion. They are not taking over the traditional news sources according to the “Can Bloggers Replace Journalists” since …

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Blogging vs. Traditional News

Now more than ever, blogs are a source to which many people turn when they are in search of specific information or trusted opinions on a given topic. Personally, I rely heavily on food blogs, as I’ve found that the recipes posted there are more adaptable to the diet and income of everyday people than, …

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Blogging vs. Traditional News

Blogging is a great way to express personal interests and opinions, and I do believe they have the power to take over traditional news sources. In Tony Rogers’s article “Why Bloggers Can’t Replace the Work of Professional Journalists”, he explains that both outlets produce different content. He brings up a valid argument that bloggers are …

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Blogs vs. Traditional News

In this day and age a believe it is possible for blogs to take over traditional news sources. I don’t think it will be possible that blogs will take over all news sources that we know but I do believe it will take over the majority. In this generation, most millennials and generation z’s receive …

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Microblogging VS Traditional News By Jaritza Flores-Garcia

A blog is a discussion or informational website published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries. Posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological order, so that the most recent post appears first, at the top of the web page. Microblogging is an online broadcast medium that exists as a specific …

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How does Social Media Effect Us?

Man, oh man…Social media has its moments where it can be the most powerful and useful tool in the palm of your hand or the most sneakily threatening aspect to your life. From social media placing ads on your phone after you’ve made a quick Google search on that product you looked at to allowing …

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Social Media and Society

Social media is addicting. With countless platforms out there, it’s almost impossible to get away from all of them. Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and Twitter (let’s just list these for now) all have something in common: they bring people together. However, although they help to connect people this doesn’t mean that each of the relationships we …

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How has social media effected us as a society? Is this positive or negative?

Social media has affected us in society in both positive and negative ways.Individuals share their end of the week, their sustenance, their garments and whatever else from the most imperative to the most  irrelevant things.It has turned into a piece of our generation lives. Having individuals on their telephones throughout the day isn’t just frustrating, …

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