Group Activity Evaluation

Aleksandra Knezevic and Briana Lugo

1.What was your activity? Please be specific on what you asked the class to do and what you hoped it would accomplish.

Our activity was broken up into two parts in part 1 we broke up the class into four groups. Groups one and two were to pick a large business such as Amazon, Netflix, and etc. While groups three and four whereunto choose a small business such as a bakery, clothing store, etc. After each group chose their business they were supposed to write down three issues with the company and a solution on how crowdsourcing can help with those issues. In part 2 we kept everyone in the same groups and asked them to create a product that they would like to get crowdfunded for. While creating their product we asked them to answer a few questions such as what is their budget for the product? and why should  we fund their product? We also asked the groups to create a logo. After these activities we hoped the groups would understand the benefits of crowdsourcing.

2. Did you think it was successful?

I believe the activity was successful, the groups enjoyed the activities and we got to hear some interesting ideas from each of the groups.

3. Did it achieve your implied goals?

Yes, we achieved our implied goals. The overall goal was to explain the benefits of crowdsourcing and also the negatives. The class seemed to understand and was very engaged in all the activities.

4. What did you learn from the experience?

What we learned from the experience is how to create a lesson plan that will keep the class engaged. We also learned how crowdsourcing works and it’s positives and negatives.

5. How would you take this project further as a research tool and what results would you hope to achieve?

We could take this project as a further research tool , by possibly turning it into a survey and sending it to other students to gather their input and ideas. We would hope to possibly find an idea that we could promote to get crowdfunded.

Below are the logos the groups created.



  1. Great job guys! And some interesting logos created in the given amount of time.

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