Media has allowed people all around the world to come together like we’ve never seen before. Starting with Sex and the City, the world saw something that we didn’t know would become the future. People in Asia were trying to act like the stars from Sex and the City because they thought that’s what Americans …
March 2019 archive
Mar 19
Media In A Changing Global Culture
Media has made globalization easier than ever. People are able to interact with people from all over the world . Whether it is sharing memes or replying to comments under a viral post or just to talk, media makes it possible. With the click of a button, a person could be connected to a person …
Mar 19
Media Forms Across Cultures
Media plays an ever present role in the everyday lives of modern people. While in the past it may have been possible to avoid some of media’s influence, that is simply not an option in the world we live in. Even people who do not have direct access to a wide range of the advanced …
Mar 19
Media in a Changing Global Culture
In my opinion, globalization in media is something that constantly adapts and shapes us into having full knowledge worldwide. Because of this going on, the media being made can be universal as places all around the world can share a bunch of knowledge. Many people may ask, “will globalization just turn us into just one …
Mar 19
Media in a Changing Global Culture
“Information about the world around us comes to us not only by words on a piece of paper but more and more through the powerful images and sounds of our multi-media culture,” states the article “Media Literacy: A National Priority for a Changing World. This is true because in today’s society, we always know what’s …
Mar 19
Class 7: Internet of Things
The issue of the smart home technology marketing and convincing consumers into integrating these services into their daily lives; as the newest convenience that they should or must have as a way to lock in the huge target market by tech companies, creating more of a problem upon them versus a new level of …
Mar 19
Media in a Changing Global Culture
“Media no longer just shape our culture…they ARE our culture.” Media changed how we communicate, market, and grow. We grow up attached to technology. The media has created so many careers to maintain it all around the world. Due to the fact that we are all connected or have a relationship with the media of …
Mar 19
Media in a Changing Global Culture
Globalization of digital media has radically changed the ways in which people across various cultures interact with the media messages present in the world around them. While in the past, media literacy was not expected or necessary in order for an individual to navigate the day-to-day operations of their lives, the technological advances of today’s …
Mar 19
Media Across Culture
There have been many improvements in media and with these improvements comes changes across culture. According to Media Literacy: A National Priority for Changing World, information about the world around us comes to us not only by words on a piece of paper but more and more through the powerful images and sounds of our …
Mar 19
Media in a Changing Global Culture
Media Forms translate through culture by the use of technology including but not limited to phones, laptops, smart tvs, etc. because we can text and use social media and as technology expands more, everybody in the world can watch the same things as someone in thee other side of the world can. In the text, …