There seems to be a Starbucks and a McDonalds in every corner of the world. Globalization is already well on its way. The world seems to be more connected, more alert, and in a sense more together. Now, I have the possibility to follow the protests happening in France against the government and I am …
March 2019 archive
Mar 18
Changing Media
Media today has become a part of our everyday lives more than any point in time. Media is known by its definition as the main means of mass communication (broadcasting, publishing, and the Internet) regarded collectively. As stated in the article “Eight traits of the new media landscape” “The technologization of the American home has …
Mar 18
Media in a Changing Global Culture
Melanie Beltran MCS 244 March 12, 2019 Media forms translate across cultures through the access of internet. With just one click of a button, you are suddenly sucked into a world of an endless amount of internet content. In the article, “Media Literacy: A National Priority for a Changing World,” it states, “Today, the …
Mar 18
Media Evolvement
Media has quickly evolved from simply being able to read words on paper, to critically interpreting the images we see. As the article “Media Literacy: A National Priority for a Changing World” states, from television, movies, talk shows, cell phones, websites and more, media is no longer shaping our culture, they ARE our culture. The …
Mar 18
The Internet of Things / Locative and Physical Media
While there are clear concerns inherent to the expansion of the internet of things, the revolutionary potential for quality of life improvement cannot be understated. Objects with internet connectivity integrate new technology into the daily routines of our lives, as described in Neil Gershenfeld and JP Vasseur’s article “As Objects Go Online: The Promise (and …
Mar 15
reality television changed commuication
TV has changed our method for correspondence in a few different ways, rather than surging home to see a show at a specific time, we record it onto our DVR or simply stream it on the web. Customary ways have changed and we don’t pay psyche to most network shows except if we approach them …
Mar 15
Crowdsourcing is the act of getting data or contribution to an undertaking or venture by enrolling the administrations of countless. Such as the customary course, keep a similar generation unblemished and have everything on a similar recurrence or Go the nontraditional course, discover a gathering of individuals who can make/accomplish what you’re searching for and …
Mar 14
Digital and Reality Television
Personally, I see a great change in reality television and the online profiles/characters people try to create for their benefit and understood that they can build a following for being outgoing and sometimes try to chase the shock factor of it all. The issue with today is that negativity sells and people will latch onto …
Mar 14
Crowdsourcing is simply the act of being in the midst of a split in the road, that split is: A) Go the traditional route, keep the same production intact and have everything on the same frequency or B) Go the nontraditional route, find a group of people who can create/achieve what you’re looking for and …
Mar 12
Objects connected to the internet
There are many objects or devices today that are connected to the internet. These items range from many products. One product relating to your housing environment would be the nest thermostat. The Nest Learning Thermostat is a smart thermostat developed by Nest Labs and designed by Tony Fadell, Ben Filson, and Fred Bould. It is …