Reality TV are television programs in which real people are continuously filmed, designed to be entertaining rather than informative. For a generation like ours reality TV is almost the norm. We do not ever usually question the types of reality TV that are displayed because we are now so used to shows displayed in this …
March 2019 archive
Mar 12
The Internet of Things
Imagine robots ruling the earth. That seems like a movie topic, something a producer would want to showcase to the world to make profit from their audience. It’s a type of movie plot that actors such as Will Smith participated in, but this is slowly becoming a reality. More and more we’re seeing that objects …
Mar 12
Objects Going Online
Objects being connected to the internet definitely has and abundance of upsides. And as technology progresses they can be beneficial to everyone, but it can be exploited if put into the wrong hands. Today we have what Julian Bleeker calls the internet in their article A Manifesto for Networked Objects — Cohabiting with Pigeons, Arphids …
Mar 12
The Internet of Things – Jontae Zapata
The world is becoming inherently electronic. Everything we once had to manually operate is becoming more easily accessible, such as television now having remote controls and voice operating systems for people who don’t want to leave their couches. This may not always be a good thing. In the article by the New York Times Thermostats, Locks …
Mar 12
The Internet of Things by Jaritza Flores-Garcia
It’s no secret that the Internet has been around in our world for more than 50 years. Since 1969, the internet became an icon in the tech world filled with websites, servers, and others. But what really makes the internet that helps us find and search for things we don’t understand and the answer is …
Mar 12
Internet of Things / Locative and Physical Media
The internet is something that was created with the intention of being beneficial to people. It is hard to disconnect from the internet because of the simple fact that you can not be a human being without being connected to the internet. Everyone uses the internet in some shape or form. Whether it is to …
Mar 12
The Internet of Things
To say that the connectivity of the world has been revolutionized by the internet is a vast understatement when you consider “the internet of things.” When I first began regularly using the internet as a child, I saw it as a way to chat with my friends and not have to read through books for …
Mar 12
Internet of Things
There are many pros and cons that come with connecting physical objects to the Internet. Examples of such physical objects are security cameras, thermostats, cars, vending machines etc. In the article “As Objects Go Online,” the author discussed some benefits of connecting physical objects to the internet such as with health care, “shelves and pill …
Mar 12
Internet of Things / Locative and Physical Media
Mariano Montague QUESTION: Write your responses to the readings and if you think that connecting physical objects to the Internet is beneficial or detrimental? In my opinion, i think connecting physical objects objects to the internet has been extremely beneficial. In my household i have many things that are connected to the internet. …
Mar 12
Is the internet beneficial or detrimental
The internet is the source of everything these days, we all rely on the internet in some way or form. People can now work from home or even take classes online, we no longer have to call cab companies we can just order a cab online. We can even order food online, theres no need …