For the class activity we will be playing a game of Kahoot (10-15 mins) and for the second activity students will get into groups of 3 or 4 and create their own reality tv show (10 mins)
March 2019 archive
Mar 06
Microblogging VS Traditional News (Rewrite) By Jaritza Flores-Garcia
Our society today has ways to communicate with people via social media, email, texting, and messaging but blogging became an important part of communication these days that no one has ever heard of or try it before. Blogs were made for us to write about their days in real life but not only that but …
Mar 06
How Does Social Media Effected Us As A Society? (Rewrite) – Jaritza Flores-Garcia
In the real world, the use of social media affected us as a society today that humans used it as a tool for checking on themselves during the week and their spare time. But social media became a factor due to social issues that happened in real life including the election that ended up put …
Mar 06
Digital & Traditional Television
Desiree Figueroa MCS 244- March 5- Reality Tv Blog Post Digital media has no doubt made the public consume more content. Since we have the benefits of viewing programs on the go and also easier means of producing our own content the television has grown in an unpredictable way. Disruptive trends allow viewers more …
Mar 06
For this generation, one of the most entertainment forms of tv is reality tv and streamed tv shows. The drama that comes from real people and put onto our screens end up becoming our greatest form of entertainment due to the fact that it’s different from what we’ve had growing up as well as getting …
Mar 06
Reality Television
Melanie Beltran MCS 244 February 26, 2019 Reality television is dramatic entertaining in the eyes of those who enjoy it. The way we communicate to one another is through colloquial language. It helps the audience, in some way, become present with the people on the show that’s being filmed. In the article, “The Future of …
Mar 05
Reality tv
∫How has reality television changed the ways in which we understand human communication? After reading the article assigned for this class, we are able to conclude that consumers are moving away from traditional tv and on to streaming apps. Reality tv shows are said to mirror our real daily lives however, we know the content …
Mar 05
Realtiy and Digital TV
After reading these articles, web streaming has helped consumers, while hurting tradational TV. Specifically, the Netflixes and Hulus in the world have took a lot of viewers from Traditional TV and they have made content more easlity asseciable than Television. One example for this isthat in Netflix, they have Avengers Infinity Wars but in a …
Mar 05
Reality and Digital Television
How has reality television changed the ways in which we understand human communication? Throughout time, the television had been very influential when it comes to portraying a picture of what goes on. In today’s standards, people are watching less TV and leaning towards online streaming instead. When television was first becoming popular, people didn’t have …
Mar 05
Reality and Digital Television
Reality Television has negatively changed the ways we understand human communication because in many reality television shows, the people involved rarely communicate and when they do, it’s never communicating in a positive way. Most of the time, everyone is yelling at or trying to bring each other down with foul words and tapping into one …