Karey Benitez Villegas Professor Cohen Communication in Society May 19, 2019 Smart Home Gadgets Smart Home Gadgets changed the world in various ways ever since the 1900s. Besides that, now in the 20th century it has a greater impact since technology is more advanced, we have more gadgets doing things we did not know that …
May 2019 archive
May 20
Paola Saint Hilaire Professor Brucker Cohen MCS 244 20 May, 2019 The History of Emojis Have you ever heard the saying, “an emoji is worth a thousand words”, no? Well you should start getting used to it because that is becoming a reality in this generation with the boom of emojis that are …
May 19
The Importance and Future of Cryptocurrency
Brittany Aufiero May 17th, 2019 MCS 244 Prof. Brucker-Cohen The Importance and Future of Digital Currency Around the world, cryptocurrency is used as a government-untraceable method of electronic money transfer. Digital currency has transformed commerce and the way people exchange money for goods and services. While impossible to know just how many people use this …
May 19
Final Paper: Virtual Reality’s Assist in Social Networking
Networking is the best social skill we should acquire starting at a young age. Social media takes away from the social experience. As technology gets integrated with work and school, networking in real life becomes in some ways easier as well as difficult. People are less willing to interact in person, letting good networking opportunities …
May 14
Final Paper : Computers
Jaritza Flores MCS 244 Jonah Bruckner-Cohen 5/14/19 Computers are devices that help us, humans, to get connected with the web in our society today. According to GeeksforGeeks.com’s article entitled, “Generation of Computers”, Anusha Sharma explained that “A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information or data. It has the ability to store, retrieve, and process data. …
May 13
Final Paper : How Texting affects communication
Briana J Lugo MCS 244 Professor Jonah Brucker Cohen 12 May 2019 Final Paper: How is Texting Affecting Communication between People and Important Relationship The first form of texting would be considered emails where people use to send messages back and fourth through an email server. In the late 1990’s Nokia released the first flip …
May 09
Final Paper: LinkedIn
John Hecht 5/7/2019 Final Project: LinkedIn Professor Jonah Brucker Cohen Over the course of time we as job seekers have relied on personal connections and local job postings in order to help us find employment. This made it hard for many people to expand their horizons and find jobs that are …
May 07
Final Paper: Social Media
The rise of social media has proven to have changed the ways of communication within society. There have been many technologies that have led up to the creation of online communication, one of those being the first communication device; the telegraph. In 1972, the invention of this device allowed for faster methods of communication throughout …
May 03
Copyrights are the reasoning why people can create content they desire and not have to worry about having what they create being stolen. There are people who generally want to take others hard work and claim it as their own but then there are those who want to pay homage to the originator. They feel …
May 02
Class Activity
Hello guy’s I am presenting today in class. Here are some of the activities that we will be going through… Activity Part One : -We will get into two groups -Group 1 will be for the Pros of mashups and group two will be for the Cons of mashups. -Each group is to …