May 2019 archive

How are mashups posing a potential threat to copyright laws online?

In the New Yorker article entitled, “1+1+1=1: The New Math of Mashups”, Sasha Frere-Jones stated that “Mashups find new uses for current digital technology, a new iteration of the cause-and-effect relationship behind almost every change in pop-music aesthetics: the gear changes, and then the music does. If there is an electric guitar of the mashup, …

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Piracy and Privacy

Piracy is something we’ve been seeing since the history of the mankind, this is an old Viking term that means to board someone else’s ship and rob them of all of their treasures to claim as your own. This is an issue for anyone who owns something but someone with a volatile approach takes what …

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Online Communities

Social networks are a major source in today’s age with everything that can be done through these sites. People have launched their careers from some social media platforms and even utilized it to make sure that they have a steady stream of income through companies who are giving out sponsorships for people who have influence …

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Media Theory

The medium is very important to how we consume media due to how much society may rely on it to consume their information and continue to spread information. Sometimes it’s hard to decipher who’s an authentic source because it’s shown that people tend to manipulate media in order to push a narrative that may not …

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