Brittany Aufiero

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  1. Digital and Reality Television — 1 comments
  2. Piracy and Privacy — 1 comments

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Crowdsourcing and User-Generated Content

Crowdsourcing has challenged the long-held notion that professionally-produced content is more valuable or desired than that which is made by amateurs.  Due to technological advances, ordinary people who have not specialized in a specific skill can create profitable goods or merchandise that is equally appealing, without the years of training.  For example, affordable cameras now …

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Social Media and Politics

Social media has entirely shifted the approach politicians employ when running a campaign for public office. In the past, the “war room” technique was the go-to method by which candidates and their team built a relationship with voters and won positive public opinion. In the “war room,” the candidate and their campaign staff would make …

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Blogging vs. Traditional News

Now more than ever, blogs are a source to which many people turn when they are in search of specific information or trusted opinions on a given topic. Personally, I rely heavily on food blogs, as I’ve found that the recipes posted there are more adaptable to the diet and income of everyday people than, …

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How has social media affected us as a society? Is this positive or negative?

Regardless of the unclear intentions of creators of various social media platforms, one thing is certain: they have transformed the means by which people connect and communicate with each other in a fundamental way.  Across great distances, the masses can convey and spread thoughts and ideas, organize politically to enact significant change, and reconnect to …

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