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- Final- The Effect of Texting on Communication — 2 comments
Mar 04
Streaming services have made traditional television networks panic. Many more Americans, including myself, have cancelled or are thinking about cancelling their cable subscription. Televisions and cable were the norm many years ago. Everyone would go home and sit in front of their television and surf through their channels to see if they saw something they …
Feb 26
According to Oxford dictionaries, crowdsourcing is the practice of obtaining information or input into a task or project by enlisting the services of a large number of people. While it is very popular with many companies, I do not know of a lot of people talking about it. There are millions of people connected to …
Feb 19
http:// Throughout the years we have seen the number of social media platforms and media tools in general grow exponentially. These platforms have advertised themselves to be useful for connecting users to their friends, family, and strangers. The number of people who have phones and other devices with cameras has increased, as well as the …
Feb 08
I believe blogs will not take over traditional news sources. Blogs are fun to read and are very important for people to discuss various topics but they do not provide the same factual knowledge as news sources do. On the other hand, they do provide freedom from the strict new sources that avoid articles that …
Jan 31
When I wake up, the first instinct I have is to check my social media pages on my phone. This seemed normal for a while until I started to notice how much time I spent on social media and the effects it had and has on my friendships. Social media has both negative aspects as …