Piracy is hurting the case for copyright online because it is utilizing another person’s utilizing another person’s work illicitly without their assent at the end of the day copyright encroachment.Paul Tassi states that “As technology continues to evolve, the battle between pirates and copyright holders is going to escalate, and pirates are always, always going …
Category: Student Work
Apr 19
Mashups and Their Consequences
The term “mashup” refers to a combining of functionalities or ideas to create something which contributes information greater than the sum of its parts. Internet mashups often take the form of apps. One such app would be the popular dating/hookup app Tinder, which uses information from one’s social media account to match the individual with …
Apr 18
Why is social software a blessing in disguise?
Nowadays we exclusively depend on the web for the vast majority of our day by day movement, social programming has turned into the principle wellspring of correspondence for people. I can say social programming has made correspondence a lot simpler particularly applications like “Fcaebook,twitter,instagram,whatsapp” that enable us to impart universally without running up our telephone …
Apr 18
Why is the medium so important to how we consume digital media?
The medium is the association with how we get or continue on the message, without the medium it is extremely unlikely we can send or get data around each other. There are different ways the medium can be exhibited particularly since time and the computerized media is continually evolving. Marshall Mcluhan made a point that …
Apr 18
How have apps changed the digital delivery marketplace? What will digital currency be used for in the future?
In the article “ The Mobile Browser Is Dead, Long Live The App” by Ewan Spencer discusses how people are spending more time on their devices, they are spending over 2 hours a day on their devices. Spencer states “Users are living in their smartphone’s applications…Users are turning away from the browser and relying on …
Apr 18
How do media forms translate across cultures?
Media has made globalization simpler than at any other time. Individuals can interface with individuals from everywhere throughout the world . Regardless of whether it is sharing images or answering to remarks under a viral post or just to talk, media makes it conceivable. With the snap of a catch, an individual could be associated …
Apr 18
Description of Class Activity: Brianna and Noelle’s Presentation
For our class activity, we will be splitting our activity into two parts which includes a game of Kahoot and a mock court case. The game of Kahoot should take 10-15 minutes and it will be testing the knowledge of which tricky examples are to be considered as piracy and which are not. The second …
Apr 17
Assignment 11: How is piracy hurting the case for copyright online?
Piracy has become a major issue for the music industry, the film industry, as well as other industries. People have found ways around paying high prices for the music they listen to or for the movies they want to watch. I think the amount of money that is asked of consumers is too much and …
Apr 17
How is piracy hurting the case for copyright online?
Piracy is a term used to elucidate on the illegal copying of licensed and copyrighted materials from the Internet. In many ways it hurts the case for copyright online because a lot of the times it is very difficult to stop these piracy services even when they are stealing your content. One of the main …
Apr 16
Write your responses to the readings and if you think that connecting physical objects to the Internet is beneficial or detrimental?
In the article “As Objects Go Online,” the author discussed some benefits of connecting physical objects to the internet such as with health care, “shelves and pill bottles connected to the Internet can alert a forgetful patient when to take a pill, a pharmacist to make a refill, and a doctor when a dose is …