Category: Student Work

Piracy Hurting the Case for Copyright Online

Piracy is the using someone else’s work illegally, without their consent in other words copyright infringement.  The way piracy is hurting companies businesses especially Hollywood is that many users can watch a movie without having to make a payment for purchase or rent.  A great example of this would be the movie The Interview that …

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Melanie Beltran MCS 244 April 10, 2019 In the article, “You Will Never Kill Piracy, and Piracy Will Never Kill You” by Paul Tassi, Forbes, it states, “Realize piracy is a service problem…Piracy is not raiding and plundering Best Buys and FYEs, smashing the windows and running out with the loot. It’s like being placed …

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Melanie Beltran MCS 244 April 10, 2019 In the article, “You Will Never Kill Piracy, and Piracy Will Never Kill You” by Paul Tassi, Forbes, it states, “Realize piracy is a service problem…Piracy is not raiding and plundering Best Buys and FYEs, smashing the windows and running out with the loot. It’s like being placed …

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Piracy and Streaming

In Paul Tassi’s article “You Will Never Kill Piracy, and Piracy Will Never Kill You”, the author believes the war on piracy cannot be won. Tassi explains that “As technology continues to evolve, the battle between pirates and copyright holders is going to escalate, and pirates are always, always going to be one step ahead”. …

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Piracy and Privacy

In his Forbes article “You Will Never Kill Piracy, and Piracy Will Never Kill You”, Paul Tassi argues that piracy is an inescapable reality so long as media companies refuse to acknowledge that they must reevaluate their own business practices. Tassi writes, “As long as technology continues to evolve, the battle between pirates and copyright …

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Online Communities and Groups

The rise of social software as an outlet for social expression has been well documented. In Clay Shirky’s speech “Gin, Television, and Social Surplus”, he describes how watching television in the past was usually followed by discussion with others about the most recent plot developments, and how the social aspect of media consumption has become …

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Assignment 10: Why is social software a blessing in disguise?

I believe social software is both a blessing and a curse. Social software does allow people to unleash their creativity in a way and connect with others sharing the same passion and through that they can learn new techniques. On the other hand, it can become an obsession or a waste of time as some …

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Class Activity

The entire presentation will take about 30 minutes. Maybe longer, depending on student interaction. The students will be broken into three groups; one group labeled “For,” another labeled “Against” and the last labeled “Judges”. The students will debate about whether they will or will not ban online communities in the United States based on the …

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Social Software a Blessing in Disguise

As the year goes by technology is advancing the same way communication is advancing. Social Software has become a great benefit, with just a click away one can connect with hundreds of friends and family.  According to “Social Network Sites: Public, Private, or What?” they introduce public spaces and that public spaces have many purposes …

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Why is Social Software a Blessing in Disguise?

Social software is probably one of the most amazing aspects of technology today. People can communicate from almost anywhere in the entire world. However, it doesn’t truly seem to be a blessing – in fact, I feel that it isn’t much of a blessing at all. According to Michelle Kasprzak we as individuals need rules …

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