Category: Student Work

Why Social software a blesssing in disguise?

Social software is a computer software that enables users to interact and share data. People use social software to talk with friends, and meet new people. Yes social software can be bad for many reasons like cyber bullying, or people making fake pages or accounts to be able to talk to people but it is …

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Social Software: A Blessing in Disguise? By Jaritza Flores-Garcia

People like us love being social by communicating, collaborating, and interacting with each other to be their own company. But then something has changed in society that made the social world even more active thanks to the introduction of social media on their devices such as PCs, phones, and tablets to keep users in contact …

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Social Software: A Blessing In Disguise

Social software is a general term used to describe social networking that allows people to communicate and collaborate while using the application according to Wikipedia. Some examples of social software are instant messaging, email, and chatrooms. Social software can be seen as a blessing in disguise because it has helped us improve/advance as a society …

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Why is Social Software a blessing in Disguise ?

Why is Social Software a blessing in Disguise ? These days we solely rely on the internet for most of our daily activities. Since the creation of Facebook, social software has became the main source of communication for individuals. From the creation many other social site have been created such as twitter, instagram, snapchat, and …

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Why is social software a blessing in disguise?

Social software is computer software that enables users to interact and share data. Software like MySpace, Facebook, emails, and instant messaging are considered social software. Social software is a blessing in disguise because it allows for easy communication throughout the world. It is made easy to contact people who a person is unable to see …

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why social software might be a blessing in disguise.

why social software might be a blessing in disguise.   Social media now a days is used to see what your friends and family might be up to, by seeing the type of photos, videos, and statuses they upload on it. Social media has its pros and its main cons that probably may have impacted …

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Social Software

Social software to some can be seen as a waste of tIme.  It can be viewed as a distracter and also something that can divert you from a more important goal that you have at hand.  Everyone has an opinion of their own but social software can also be viewed as a blessing in disguise.  …

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Social Software

I believe social software is a blessing in disguise because it gives us the chance to communicate to others in a way that was never expected in the past. In the Michelle Kasprzak article, Abundance in Scarcity it states, “systems are constantly in use, enabling us to express ourselves for purposes both mundane and sublime. …

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Group activity evaluation

What was your activity? Please be specific on what you asked the class to do and what you hoped it would accomplish. Part one of our activity was to listen to the song video killed the radio star and answer questions on how it related to Mcluhan’s theories. This was an attempt to demonstrate the …

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Social Software

Social software, is it a blessing or a curse? I stand in the middle. On one hand, the advancements we’ve made cannot be ignored and should instead be celebrated. Twenty, even ten years ago we wouldn’t have been able to imagine how far we’ve come. Networking with people all around the world and creating connections …

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