Category: Student Work

Social software a blessing in disguise?

Melanie Beltran MCS 244 April 6, 2019   Social software a blessing in disguise because they help us interact and communicate through communication tools from the internet. In Michelle Kasprzak’s ”Abundance in Scarcity” it states, “New boundaries are built, and old ones are destroyed by those who approach from other disciplines, or by those who …

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Social Software: Blessing in Disguise?

“When less information is available, we change our behavior and discover new subtleties in the information we have.” (Kasprzak, 7). Kasprzak has a point because when we cannot find what we are looking for, we try to create our own. Social software has influenced kids to become more creative. We have started to motivate each …

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Assignment 9: Why is the medium so important to how we consume digital media?

Marshall Mcluhan stated that “the medium is the message” in Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. For example, the computer would be the message instead of the content. He said, “Firearms are in themselves neither good nor bad; it is the way they are used that determines their value.” He stated that people have paid too …

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Medium Media

In the article “The medium is the message” by  Marshall McLuhan is about how the message of the medium that is being transmitted to society is more important than the intention. Communication has changed drastically in society because of media, for example automation. Lots of people are losing jobs because of automated machines in factories. …

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Media Theory

From Wikepidia, a a Canadian philosper by the name Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase Medium is the message in 1964. In this article, it says, ” It means that the nature of a medium (the channel through which a message is transmitted) is more important than the meaning or content of the message. McLuhan tells …

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The Medium Is The Message

  The definition of “the medium is the message” according to Wikipedia is a phrase created by Marshall McCluhan that means that the channel through which the message is transmitted is more important than the meaning or content of the message. This statement is proven numerous times. Marshall McCluhan states “This fact merely underlines the …

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Media Theory

The mediums that we use affect our daily lives in many different ways. In the writing by Marshall McLuhan called The Medium is the Message he says “We are as numb in our new electric world as the native involved in our literate and mechanical culture” In other words, we are so caught up in …

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Media Theory By Jaritza Flores-Garcia

“The Medium is the Message”.  That was the quote author Marshall McLuhan said when he explained the aspects of our culture through the media, but why is it so important to how we consume digital media? When we talk about the medium, we were thinking about change in our society through communication that we can …

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Media Theory

As we continue to learn about and develop new mediums for communication and media, we attempt to find more effective ways of transporting information from various sources to an individual or group of people. The more difficult accessing the information is, the less likely large sums of people are to use the methods at hand. …

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Media Theory

In chapter one of Marshall Mcluhan’s book Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, Mcluhan delves into the deeper questions of how culture is shaped by the mediums for messages within society. Citing electricity, he examines how it has revolutionized technology in allowing for instantaneous reception of information. Rather than thinking of electricity solely in terms …

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