Piracy is a copyright infringement which is the use of others ones work without their permission. According to Paul Tassi in “You Will Never Kill Piracy, and Piracy Will Never Kill You” he mentions “Piracy is already illegal in the US, and most places around the world, yet it persists underground, but more often in …
Category: Uncategorized
Apr 09
Why is social software a blessing in disguise?
Throughout history, we’ve seen that technological advances have been improving the way we interact with one another. The article “Abundance in Scarcity” by Michelle Kasprzak states that “systems are constantly in use, enabling us to express ourselves for purposes both mundane and sublime”. Therefore, Social software allows, for the share of ideas, creativity, knowledge and …
Apr 09
Social Software
Social software to some can be seen as a waste of tIme. It can be viewed as a distracter and also something that can divert you from a more important goal that you have at hand. Everyone has an opinion of their own but social software can also be viewed as a blessing in disguise. …
Apr 02
Apps and Digital Currency
Apps are probably some of the best and most convenient things to ever happen to people who need things within a certain time limit, but the issue is people are not seeing the long game in their app usage. I personally believe hat are the reason life has become so easy to lose track of …
Apr 02
In the article, “The medium is the message” the author Marshall McLuhan tells us that the medium “In a culture like ours, long accustomed to splitting and dividing all things as a means of control, it is sometimes a bit of a shock to be reminded that, in operational and practical fact, the medium is …
Apr 02
Media in a Changing Global Culture
Media is now the catalyst to learning. There was a point in time where everyone will look to print media for information and to learn new things, but that era is now gone. Media allows for people to learn everything they want from their car, on a tablet in an airplane, through the internet and …
Apr 02
The Internet of Things
Personally, I feel like connecting objects to the internet will be beneficial then become a detriment to society. Think about it, if you were able to connect objects to the internet for some creative purpose then you’d eventually see the rise of people trying to use objects on the internet for the wrong purposes. It …
Apr 01
The Medium
The medium is important to how we ingest digital media. The Medium can be looked at as the electric light or illumination as stated in ” The medium is the message”. Mediums are used to reach people, they are used to draw people in and help them form connections in whatever piece of digital …
Mar 26
Apps have impacted the digital delivery marketplace in a significant way. Digital delivery, is the way for organizations ranging from different sectors of our daily lives to deliver content to consumers specifically through apps. As mentioned in the article “ The Mobile Browser is Dead, Long Live The App” by Ewan Spence people are no …
Mar 18
Changing Media
Media today has become a part of our everyday lives more than any point in time. Media is known by its definition as the main means of mass communication (broadcasting, publishing, and the Internet) regarded collectively. As stated in the article “Eight traits of the new media landscape” “The technologization of the American home has …