There are many objects or devices today that are connected to the internet. These items range from many products. One product relating to your housing environment would be the nest thermostat. The Nest Learning Thermostat is a smart thermostat developed by Nest Labs and designed by Tony Fadell, Ben Filson, and Fred Bould. It is …
Category: Uncategorized
Mar 12
Reality TV
Reality TV are television programs in which real people are continuously filmed, designed to be entertaining rather than informative. For a generation like ours reality TV is almost the norm. We do not ever usually question the types of reality TV that are displayed because we are now so used to shows displayed in this …
Mar 12
Class Activity
What was your activity? Please be specific on what you asked the class to do and what you hoped it would accomplish. For our first activity we believed a game of Kahoot would be a fun way to test the knowledge of the students. The goal we wanted to accomplish was that the students showed …
Mar 07
Class Activity
For the class activity we will be playing a game of Kahoot (10-15 mins) and for the second activity students will get into groups of 3 or 4 and create their own reality tv show (10 mins)
Mar 05
Reality tv
∫How has reality television changed the ways in which we understand human communication? After reading the article assigned for this class, we are able to conclude that consumers are moving away from traditional tv and on to streaming apps. Reality tv shows are said to mirror our real daily lives however, we know the content …
Mar 04
Assignment 5: How has reality television changed the ways in which we understand human communication?
Streaming services have made traditional television networks panic. Many more Americans, including myself, have cancelled or are thinking about cancelling their cable subscription. Televisions and cable were the norm many years ago. Everyone would go home and sit in front of their television and surf through their channels to see if they saw something they …
Feb 26
Crowdsourcing, is changing the way companies approach creating content. One of way is doing this is by allowing entrepreneurs access to their potential market needs. In the article, “Crowdsourcing to Get Ideas, and Perhaps Save Money”, the author Constance Gutske states that before Lee Mayer decided to start up her company to test the level …
Feb 26
Crowd Sourcing – Jontae Zapata
As technology further develops and reaches as many people as possible, many professionals have to come to terms with the fact that they have to adapt with the new resources available for consumers. In The Rise of Crowdsourcing freelance photographer Mark Harmel speaks of the changes coming to the industry. Despite lowering his costs for stock photos …
Feb 17
Group Activity Evaluation
Nairim Michel Mariano Montague What was your activity? Please be specific on what you asked the class to do and what you hoped it would accomplish. Our activity consisted of identifying the differences between blog posts and news. We created a 3 part activity based off true or false and creating two posts to …
Feb 14
Has media (social and informative) effected political campaigns
The world has changed over the last fifteen years. The ways in which we communicate with one another changed as well with what is called a smart phone. These smart phones make hard copies of news obsolete for some people. There are apps for everything whether that be an informative news app such as fox …