Realtiy and Digital TV

After reading these articles, web streaming has helped consumers, while hurting tradational TV. Specifically, the Netflixes and Hulus in the world have took a lot of viewers from Traditional TV and they have made content more easlity asseciable than Television. One example for this isthat in Netflix, they have Avengers Infinity Wars but in a cable TV, you will probabky have to pay to be able to rent the movie. People got tired of paying for cable when it was very expensive, and decided to pay for Netflix and Hulus, because paying a combined total of 20$ to watch almost any show or movie you want is better than paying 100$ a month, and not being able to watch whatever show or movie you want to watch. In the text,”The Messy, Confusing Future of TV? It’s Here”,by Kevin Roose, it says, “A reason for all this chaos is that cord-cutting is accelerating faster than media executives expected. Last quarter, nearly a million Americans dropped their pay-TV subscriptions, according to an estimate from Craig Moffett, a media analyst with MoffettNathanson. (Netflix added roughly that many new subscribers in the United States in the same time.) Young people, a group particularly coveted by advertisers, are moving away from TV especially quickly. The amount of time people under 35 spend watching traditional TV has been cut in half since 2010, according to Matthew Ball, the head of strategy at Amazon Studios.” The ones that are most likely to watch Television are going to these web-streaming devicies. And compainies are starting to know this. In the same text, it says,”Disney, which controls some of the world’s most valuable TV and film franchises, shook Hollywood last week by announcing that it was ending its distribution deal with Netflix and starting two new stand-alone streaming services. One, an ESPN-branded streaming sports service, will be available early next year, while the other, focusing on Disney movies and shows, will go live in 2019…Disney, which has built an enormously profitable business that includes movie ticket sales and cable revenue from ESPN, is betting that a significant number of customers will pay $10 or $20 a month to watch “Frozen” and keep up with their NBA teams, above and beyond what they’re already shelling out for Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime subscriptions.” Because of these web-streaming devices, we the consumers win, and so do these web-streaming devices, but the traditonal TV loses.


Reality and Digital Television

How has reality television changed the ways in which we understand human communication?

Throughout time, the television had been very influential when it comes to portraying a picture of what goes on. In today’s standards, people are watching less TV and leaning towards online streaming instead. When television was first becoming popular, people didn’t have resources to watch certain shows whenever they wanted to, you were only able to see what what was shown. It was a limited feeling knowing that what were was put out was by channel stations and something wouldn’t even be useful to watch. The major change is the viewers. Nowadays, the viewers are the ones that control what to see. We have opportunity to see exactly what, without any restrictions to certain time.Also a major key to online streaming is the content. What is shown plays a big role because for example, they is on the TV can be limited things with whatever they want to show but, a regular people on YouTube can upload uncut thoughts and freedom of speech and ideas to make content more genuine.  “They want to watch whatever show, whenever they want, on whatever device they want. So you’ll start to see T.V. everywhere – on any device. On-demand T.V. – there will be more and more of this. What’s going to happen to traditional line-ups? The concept of channels goes away, when people just choose their shows.”. Even the use of commercials are different. On YouTube, the ads are geared towards how to shop and things that are interesting to you, compared to whatever the channels wanna show randomness. If you pay a little bit more, you can even disable the advertisement.  “reason for all this chaos is that cord-cutting is accelerating faster than media executives expected. Last quarter, nearly a million Americans dropped their pay-TV subscriptions, according to an estimate from Craig Moffett, a media analyst with MoffettNathanson. (Netflix added roughly that many new subscribers in the United States in the same time.) Young people, a group particularly covered by advertisers, are moving away from TV especially quickly. The amount of time people under 35 spend watching traditional TV has been cut in half since 2010, according to Matthew Ball, the head of strategy at Amazon Studios.”. With that being said i think the best option is to have channels turn into streamed services  for online only and have user friendly options to show what individual person would like as a way of filtering. A big positive is not needing to pay for unnecessary channels, so this could be a future game changer.


Reality and Digital Television

Reality Television has negatively changed the ways we understand human communication because in many reality television shows, the people involved rarely communicate and when they do, it’s never communicating in a positive way. Most of the time, everyone is yelling at or trying to bring each other down with foul words and tapping into one another’s insecurities. Reality Television has normalized a lack of communication as well as a lack of respect for each other because as stated in “The Future of T.V.: Digital, Traditional And Something In Between,” “it’s all content. It’s just story. The audience has spoken. They want stories. They’re dying for them.” Producers of Reality Television only focus on getting the content out at a fast pace as well as creating what they categorize as entertainment, but it’s only drama. Most Reality Television shows involve drama with people continuously arguing, getting into physical fights, or putting their lives, relationships, and reputations in danger to do tasks in order to earn money. Reality Television is so successful because we continue to support these toxic representations of how we should behave and communicate with one another. For some of us, it transfers over into our everyday lives where we find ourselves getting into unnecessary arguments or fights and finding it normal to disrespect and talk down on someone’s name because we’ve seen it done on television. The unnecessary drama and attention we receive from acting out as a result of becoming hooked to these reality television shows is what we crave. Hoping that digital television will somehow completely take over reality or traditional television is something good to hope for, but it most likely will never happen. However, the future of traditional television is not looking bright considering that according to the article “The Messy, Confusing Future of Tv? It’s Here,” “last quarter, nearly a million Americans dropped their pay-TV subscriptions, (Netflix added roughly that many new subscribers in the United States in the same time.) Young people, a group particularly coveted by advertisers, are moving away from TV especially quickly. The amount of time people under 35 spend watching traditional TV has been cut in half since 2010.” The youth in today’s society would rather subscribe to sites such as Netflix and Hulu instead of traditional television because they are more in control of what they watch, how they watch it, and when they choose to watch it. With traditional television, you have to watch whatever movie or show that was playing on the channels, but with digital television, you can just type in a movie or television show you’re interested in and get access to watch it. On the other hand, digital television is becoming very overwhelming because of the numerous streaming sites being created everyday which is adding more pressure and confusion on people trying to make a decision on which site to subscribe to, or whether the site they chose years ago is still what they want compared to the latest streaming sites being released. Traditional television will most likely never disappear, but digital television is definitely creating competition against it by beginning to take many of it’s consumers and profits earned.

Reality TV

Reality television is changing the way we interact with traditional television. Many individuals are questioning if they should even watch traditional cable or even have it all. We now have so many resources that there is no need for traditional television. Back then if you missed a show because you were not home at the time it was being aired it was kind of difficult to re-watch it. Now we do not have to be home at the time the television show is being aired we can stream it on our phones or online, it is really convenient. Platforms like Netflix,Hulu, and HBO Go allow us to watch all our favorite shows whenever we want. A big plus to these platforms is that we don’t have sit through large amounts of commercials. Netflix is commercial free and Hulu allows you to pay a small a extra fee to avoid having commercials. HBO Go allows you watch all you favorite movies, you don’t have buy dvd’s anymore. These platforms are also available at a affordable cost, Netflix and Hulu are both around the cost of $12.00 a month which gives you access too thousands of T.V shows and movies and you also don’t have to worry about commercials. Having these platforms are more affordable than paying for a cable bill which could cost over $100 monthly. In the article “The Messy, Confusing Future of TV? It’s Here” by Kevin Roose, explains how many people are canceling their cable and moving on to platforms like Netflix or Hulu. Overall I believe that traditional cable companies will continue to lose their viewers because of platforms like Hulu or Netflix, these platforms allow people the freedom to watch their shows where they want and when they want. I myself do not have cable I use platforms like Sling TV, which allows me to watch live TV at a lower cost and also Netflix and Hulu.

Reality Television and Human Communication

Since the beginning of time, television has evolved tremendously. It went from black and white re-runs to DVRs. People are now able to record their shows and watch it later at their convenience without commercials. Television competes with the streaming networks like Hulu and Netflix. Many people have been turning toward streaming networks rather than regular television because it is more affordable, there are not any ads, and they are able to binge watch seasons of the show of their choice back to back without any interruptions. Streaming networks like Netflix have decided to raise the price for their streaming services. The reason is because these networks are becoming more well known and used more than regular cable. This is especially true when it comes to kids and young adults. Many people enjoy binge watching a season of a show and then talking about it to their peers the next day. Many reality shows tend to exaggerate life. These reality shows show scripted real-life situations. It aims to show how ordinary people behave yet, it does not work like that. These shows are interesting because of the “drama” on it. Reality television has changed the way we understand human communication in a way that our view on life sometimes become distorted. Many reality shows paint pictures in the heads of young adults of living lavish to have fun, or partying/ getting drunk to enjoy hanging out, or even always having to look your best regardless of the situation. In the New York Times article, Disney is thinking about not allowing streaming sites to be able to stream their shows because they feel as if they need to join in on the streaming age. The age of streaming has started and many channels want to be apart of the switch. “The Messy, Confusing Future Of The Tv?” by Kevin Roose, brought up an interesting point when he said that all the streaming networks should combine and become one giant bundle. Logically, it would not make sense because the bundle would make the streaming networks lose money. But if the consumer were kept in mind, it would be a great idea. People might not be able to afford all the streaming subscriptions and might have to pick which one they want the most.

Group Activity Evaluation

Aleksandra Knezevic and Briana Lugo

1.What was your activity? Please be specific on what you asked the class to do and what you hoped it would accomplish.

Our activity was broken up into two parts in part 1 we broke up the class into four groups. Groups one and two were to pick a large business such as Amazon, Netflix, and etc. While groups three and four whereunto choose a small business such as a bakery, clothing store, etc. After each group chose their business they were supposed to write down three issues with the company and a solution on how crowdsourcing can help with those issues. In part 2 we kept everyone in the same groups and asked them to create a product that they would like to get crowdfunded for. While creating their product we asked them to answer a few questions such as what is their budget for the product? and why should  we fund their product? We also asked the groups to create a logo. After these activities we hoped the groups would understand the benefits of crowdsourcing.

2. Did you think it was successful?

I believe the activity was successful, the groups enjoyed the activities and we got to hear some interesting ideas from each of the groups.

3. Did it achieve your implied goals?

Yes, we achieved our implied goals. The overall goal was to explain the benefits of crowdsourcing and also the negatives. The class seemed to understand and was very engaged in all the activities.

4. What did you learn from the experience?

What we learned from the experience is how to create a lesson plan that will keep the class engaged. We also learned how crowdsourcing works and it’s positives and negatives.

5. How would you take this project further as a research tool and what results would you hope to achieve?

We could take this project as a further research tool , by possibly turning it into a survey and sending it to other students to gather their input and ideas. We would hope to possibly find an idea that we could promote to get crowdfunded.

Below are the logos the groups created.



Television has changed our way of communication in several ways. Instead of rushing home to see a show at a certain time, we record it onto our DVR or just stream it online. Traditional ways have changed and we do not pay mind to most television shows unless we have access to them on demand. Teenagers are starting to work at young ages and go to school, making many more people busier during the day. Cable bills are high and numerous people are cutting this cost out of their budget. Netflix is about $20 or less a month, making it an economical expense.

The television industry is panicking because numbers are dropping tremendously quick. Shows are losing their viewers and ratings. Producers are saying it is going to get harder for both sides because it is hard to keep track of who is using what and what they want to watch. Consumers have to find different platforms to find different shows. Each platform has the ability to charge their own prices. It will be difficult for marketers to keep up with what is affordable and who is going to buy which platform. Some consumers own Netflix accounts yet still have a cable bill and some consumers own multiple streaming services with no cable. Humans are constantly looking for their wants to be satisfied. Nobody wants to wait around and run on someone else’s time. We want to see the shows we want when we have time.

People are changing and trends are changing. Marketers and businesses must keep up with it to ensure that our needs are met. Providing new seasons and episodes on our new form of television is important to us. Traditional television might have new content all the time but it is still scheduled at certain hours and include advertisements. We all hate ad’s even if they are personalized. Some apps continue to have ad’s because they provide funds. We tend to pay a few dollars more to avoid ads at all times. So producers have to think of an idea to provide us with lots of new content and without ads. We will soon have no television channels, just televisions with programs to stream from, such as firesticks.

Reality TV with Human Connection

Reality television has changed the ways in which we understand human communication in ways that is if one should even bother with traditional television. According to The Future of T.V.: Digital, Traditional and Something in Between traditional tv is not going anywhere for the reason that it had connected with consumer behavior. What they mean is that with traditional TV there is commercials that can relate to consumers but the same thing is with streaming services. One can have for Hulu for example you can stream shows and yet still see commercials but for an extra I believe $5 you can see show without commercials. Reality television has changed the ways in which we understand human communication such as this 2009 show We Live in Public.  According  to Review: Smart We Live in Public Probes Web Genius’ Hubris  “Supermodels wearing close to no clothes sat on the laps of nerds who were playing Doom. It all goes downhill from there, which makes for a whale of a good story.” This reality show everyones ups and downs through the cameras installed in the house to be later on be shown at a film festival. This was the start of reality of tv because it summarizes shows like Jersey Shore and Big Brother.  Reality shows like that make humans eager to see as they take a break of their own reality. Unlike these shows Keeping Up with the Kardashians has inspired teens across America to enhance their looks sometimes leading into plastic surgery. Although the Kardashians are not the ones to be blamed, humans tend to mistaken reality with real life occasions.

Assignment 5: How has reality television changed the ways in which we understand human communication?

Streaming services have made traditional television networks panic. Many more Americans, including myself, have cancelled or are thinking about cancelling their cable subscription. Televisions and cable were the norm many years ago. Everyone would go home and sit in front of their television and surf through their channels to see if they saw something they liked. Reality television has been really popular because it tries to show real-life situations. While it was assumed that reality tv was unscripted, it is very hard to believe this. We see a lot of drama and a lot of people arguing with each other. Many people say they watch reality tv to escape their own reality and because they feel reality tv deals with real topics and subjects. For me, sometimes it is entertaining to watch reality tv but not to idolize the life of the rich and famous but to simply see how they live. I believe reality tv has created this false reality for a lot of people that in order to get what you want or get your point across you have to argue and make a big scene.

The future of television is uncertain, but the future of these reality shows might not be in danger. According to “The Future of T.V.: Digital, Traditional And Something In Between” by Lori Kozlowski, consumers are in control. Kevin Spacey has said, “iPad versus the big screen — who cares, he says. Audiences care about stories. And it’s all content.” We might not need televisions in a few years because of all the other technology we have or might not need a cable subscription but the content that will be produced depends on us, the consumers. We want to watch specific shows at any-time, anywhere, on any device we choose. Traditional line-ups might be a thing of the past and streaming services like Netflix will be part of the future. Cable subscription is already dying and streaming services are becoming more popular. This can have a massive effect on human communication since watching television has been a social event and now streaming shows or binge watching shows has become a personal occasion. The future of television will definitely impact human communication as new technology will be developed and perhaps be catered for the individual.

Communication: Past & Present T.V

Reality television has changed the was in which we communicate and interact. Commercials are a prime example of how businesses interact and connect with consumers. Although we see social media play a huge role in marketing, in a Forbes article, “The Future of T.V.: Digital, Traditional And Something In Between”, by Lori Kozlowski, it’s predicted that traditional t.v isn’t going anywhere. Television has become such an essential part of society, and although streaming services, such as Netflix, have changed the way we watch, that doesn’t mean we still aren’t being marketed to. Product placement in shows and movies, along with specially curated recommendations on Netflix, allow advertisers to follow the patterns of consumers. Additionally, in the NYT article by Kevin Roose “The Messy, Confusing Future of TV? It’s Here”, it’s explained that cable companies are actually suffering because of this. Roose states that last quarter, almost 1 million Americans canceled their cable subscriptions, while Netflix simultaneously gained new subscribers. Roose goes onto explain that we might even see the same type of cable bundles in the future, only this time they’re made for the internet and its streaming services.  

All in all,  I predict that the new form of streaming will overrun traditional television in the near future. We no longer have to rely on commercials to learn about new products, or even sit in front of the t.v at a certain time to tune into prime time shows. Cable companies no longer control the way we receive information, but viewers/consumers, in fact, are the ones in control now.