I believe social software is both a blessing and a curse. Social software does allow people to unleash their creativity in a way and connect with others sharing the same passion and through that they can learn new techniques. On the other hand, it can become an obsession or a waste of time as some …
Tag: social media
Mar 27
Media Theory
Medium is important to how we consume digital media because as the article states “The medium is the message because it is the medium that shapes and controls the scale and form of human association and action”. Author Marshall McCluhan uses the example of the electric light. “Whether the light is being used for brain …
Feb 11
Social Media and Politics
Social media has entirely shifted the approach politicians employ when running a campaign for public office. In the past, the “war room” technique was the go-to method by which candidates and their team built a relationship with voters and won positive public opinion. In the “war room,” the candidate and their campaign staff would make …
Feb 11
Social Media & Politics
Social media has completely changed the game for political campaigns today. According to Aaron Smiths article “Cell Phones, Social Media and Campaign 2014”, voters have been using their smartphones to keep up with the latest political news, Republicans and Democrats and similar rates. He also explains the Republicans seem to be the first to have …
Jan 31
Social media = Toxic
I believe that social media, overall is having a negative impact on society. While social media is useful for growing small businesses, connecting with friends and family, and even for school, it can also be seen as a detriment to society as whole. The power of social media is sometimes undermined, seeing that the election …
Jan 31
How has social media affected us as a society? Is this positive or negative?
Regardless of the unclear intentions of creators of various social media platforms, one thing is certain: they have transformed the means by which people connect and communicate with each other in a fundamental way. Across great distances, the masses can convey and spread thoughts and ideas, organize politically to enact significant change, and reconnect to …
Jan 31
How has social media affected us as a society? Is this positive or negative?
When I wake up, the first instinct I have is to check my social media pages on my phone. This seemed normal for a while until I started to notice how much time I spent on social media and the effects it had and has on my friendships. Social media has both negative aspects as …